Bracknell Bowling Club prides itself on making new members welcome and encourages them in every way possible.
For members new to bowls we arrange a few coaching sessions with the first one free as a taster. The next one or two sessions will incur a small fee of £2 to cover rink usage. After these few sessions you can make your decision to join the club and the fee paid during coaching will be taken off your membership fee. 😃
Fee’s 2024
Our membership fee is £80 for all bowlers over 18. Junior fee of £10.
To join the bowling section you must be a member of the BBSC first. The cost of this is £40 for both men and ladies, £20 if you are a pensioner (Men 65+, Ladies 65+).
Use of the green for roll ups ( Practice ) is free and included in your membership. There is a small £2 cost when playing in friendly, league and representative matches.
Club Shirts
These are available through the club and current price stands at £27.
How to join
Remember to join the Bowling section you must be a social member. Please visit the club to collect the application form. You can also collect a bowling application form or download the one below.